Fujitsu fi-7280, A4, duplex, 160 ipm, color, flatbed, ultrazvuk, ADF 80 62 562 Kč

Fujitsu fi-7280, A4, duplex, 160 ipm, color, flatbed, ultrazvuk, ADF 80

Skladem | 4 Ks volných k expedici
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62 562 Kč
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51703.75 Kč
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65854 Kč
3292 Kč
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Technická podpora skenerů Fujitsu: Tel. +420 251 025 400

A4, color, duplex, 160ipm v barvě při 200dpi, ADF 80 + flatbed, USB 3 včetně kabelu, ultrazvuk, WIN 8/WIN 7/WIN Vista/WIN XP/WIN Server 2012&2008, DDZ 4000, SW vybavení: PaperStream IP (TWAIN/ISIS), Paper Stream Capture, Scan to MS Sharepoint

The fi-7280 is one of the first desktop scanners in the world to offer paper protection by detecting irregular noise. Pairing this technology with advanced hardware and software boosts your productivity.
Key features
-Top-class simplex/duplex scanning speeds: 80 ppm / 160 ipm
-A4 format flatbed for scanning sensitive, valuable documents, photographic material, magazines or bound documents
-80-sheet ADF with intelligent paper-feed functions
-iSOP – intelligent Sonic Paper Protection - Acoustic sensors detect irregular paper noise
-"Skew Reducer" - stable paper feeding mechanism
-Simple operation with one-button scanning and LCD status display
-PaperStream IP and PaperStream Capture included
-Centralised management of multiple scanners

Scanning Technology CCD sensors x 3
Scanning Mode Simplex / Duplex, Colour / Greyscale / Monochrome
Document Feeding Mode ADF Flatbed
ADF Capacity 80 pages
Document Size ADF minimum:
A8 portrait (52 x 74mm)
ADF maximum:
A4 Portrait (210 x 297mm), Legal (216 x 355.6mm)

Bundled Software:
PaperStream IP (TWAIN/ ISIS) Driver, Software Operation Panel, Error Recovery Guide, PaperStream Capture, ScanSnap Manager for fi-Series, Scan to Microsoft SharePoint (web download only), Scanner Central Admin tools

Dropout colour (R, G, B), Deskew cropping Multi-image, Auto colour, Blank page skip, i-DTC, Advanced-DTC, Simplified-DTC, Error diffusion, Dither, Moire removal, Image emphasis, Colour cleanup, Dropout colour (None, Specified, Colour saturation), sRGB, Punch hole removal, Tab cropping, Upper lower separation

Interfaces USB 3.0

Dimensions (Width x Depth x Height ) 300mm x 577mm x 234mm
Weight 8.8kg

Supported operating systems:
Windows® 8, Windows® 7, Vista™, XP (32/64bit)
Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 (32/64bit)

Fast and compact

The fi-7280 has been introduced to support increasingly diverse business related document capture routines at the desktop of individual knowledge workers or small workgroups. Simple, productivity-boosting operation virtually eliminates training requirements, both when using the scanner for regular document management routines as well as when using latest "ScanSnap Manager for fi Series scanners" software to accomplish individual ad hoc tasks.

The fi-7280 device introduces a comprehensive capture solution based on three uniquely interlined pillars:
-Best-in-class Fujitsu fi-series scanning hardware
-PaperStream IP scanner driver
-PaperStream Capture batch scanning automation and enhancement software

Best-in-class for cost/performance – top scanning speeds

With duplex scanning capability, the fi-7280 scans colour A4 documents at a speed of 80 ppm / 160 ipm (all speeds A4 Portrait 200 / 300 dpi), offering unrivalled cost-performance. Wherever you need faster scanning, the fi-7280 guarantees solid performance and quality results. Hardware highlights include:


Scan brochures and other small booklets
The fi-7280 features an ultra fast built-in flatbed module that enables the scanning of diverse documents types such as bound, stapled or delicate documents.

Large volume hopper
Featuring a high capacity hopper tray, these scanners allow for loading document batches containing up to 80 sheets at a time - and allowing for the continuous feeding of additional documents whilst scanning.

High-speed interface
USB 3.0 support ensures high-speed data transfer between scanner and computer.

LCD status display and control panel
A liquid crystal display (LCD) is included in the operator panel to display useful information including current settings for scanning documents, the number of sheets scanned, and error status. Users know the scanner status in the blink of an eye and can easily select and initiate predefined scanning profiles.

Dependable document feeding

iSOP – intelligent Sonic Paper Protection
Building on and incorporating the market-proven paper protection mechanisms of previous fi-series scanners, the fi-7280 introduces an additional market innovation for safeguarding any paper documents. By listening to the audible sound of paper movements, intelligent Sonic Paper Protection automatically suspends paper feeding if an irregular noise is detected. This advanced Paper Protection feature reliably reduces the risk of damaging documents during scanning.

Stable paper feeding with skew reduction
The fi-7280 is equipped with a "Skew Reducer" to maintain the straight alignment of paper feeding. Particularly valuable for mixed document batches containing small format documents or thin paper sheets, this function reduces the physical skew of documents throughout the paper path. Even the most untidy batches are given special treatment sheet-by-sheet, which ensures total coverage for every scan: no lost data on the edges or in the corners, no more rescans.


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