ERGOTRON TeachWellR Mobile Digital Workspace, pojízdný stojan, GRAPHITE GREY 16 082 Kč

ERGOTRON TeachWellR Mobile Digital Workspace, pojízdný stojan, GRAPHITE GREY

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ERGOTRON TeachWell® Mobile Digital Workspace, pojízdný stojan, GRAPHITE GREY

Flexible solutions that facilitate collaboration
Take the headache out of integrating new media and technology into the curriculum by consolidating all the technology tools needed on one small platform
Accommodates laptops, tablet PCs, LCD/CPUs, All-in-One CPUs, portable document cameras/visualisers, DVD players and wireless extenders of choice
Works with on-board projectors or remote displays and projection devices
Allows for one-hand adjustments of the most popular portable document cameras/visualisers
Open architecture platform allows you to truly manage the intersection of IT and AV; cart is scalable for future computer equipment advancements and upgrades
Organized technology hub keeps all your teaching materials accessible throughout the class; dual purpose design facilitates the convergence of desk and podium to un-clutter your classroom
Optimized footprint utilization in the classroom and reduces total infrastructure investment
Eliminate podium, secondary instructor desk and AV cart by organizing and combining them into one efficient and cost-effective hub
More collaboration and more engagement in the classroom: Brings your computer up close for one-on-one discussions, or acts as an adjustable podium for student presentations
Easily moves through aisles, around desks, over thresholds or through small doorways; ideal for collaborative learning and for shared resources across multiple rooms
Dependable technology
Patented Constant Force technology provides fluid adjustments of keyboard and laptop positions for personalized computing or viewing; work standing or sitting
Telescoping lift engine provides height adjustability without blocking the line of sight to the students
Cable Management Box provides storage area for one standard six-outlet power strip, two power bricks, and the associated cables
Durable, easy-to-clean exterior composed of phenolic, high-grade plastic and powder coated painted steel
Four gliding dual casters move smoothly across carpet or flooring; lockable front casters hold unit in place as teaching style requires
Offers sit-stand computing capability with proper computing ergonomics for comfortable instruction throughout the day
Optional security module – a secure stash spot for teaching tools and personal effects. Also doubles as a shelf for inkjet printers, DVD players, or other equipment
Ships fully assembled for quick integration into classroom settings
Designed to meet UL standards

Description: TeachWell Mobile Digital Workspace (MDW) (graphite grey)
Includes cart, integrated phenolic worksurface, seamless keyboard/mousing tray, cable management box, cable winding brackets, four dual casters (two locking)
Recommended Accessories: TeachWell MDW Laptop Kit 97-585, TeachWell MDW LCD Kit 97-586 (includes Universal CPU holder), TeachWell MDW Projector Shelf 97-598-055, and TeachWell MDW Storage Bin 97-608
* Maximum load on height-adjustment assembly = 38.5 lbs (17.5 kg). When LCD Kit or Laptop Kit is added, this capacity is reduced by 4 lbs (1.6 kg); when Projector Shelf is added, this capacity is reduced by 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg). For example, when a Kit and Shelf are added, the capacity of the cart’s height-adjustment assembly = 31 lbs (14.1 kg)
Lift Range: Worksurface/keyboard tray adjusts 20" (51 cm) in tandem. Worksurface height adjustment range: 31.8"–51.8" (80.8–131.6 cm)
Product Dimensions: 31"W x 24.1"D x 31.8" to 51.8"H (78.7 x 61.2 x 80.8 to 130.6 cm)
Product Weight: 54 lbs (24.5 kg)
Large worksurface = 31"W x 21"D (78.7 x 53.3 cm). Allows space for document camera with viewing area, as well as for books, notes or a writing surface. Constructed of durable phenolic material. Includes mounting holes to securely fasten document camera. Contact Ergotron for detailed information about compatible document camera models
Keyboard tray = 26.3"W x 9.4"D (66.8 x 24.0 cm). Stowable under worksurface. Includes 5° back-tilt to ensure wrists remain in a neutral position during data entry
Cable management box, interior dimensions = 13.4"W x 5.1"D x 3.4"H (34.1 x 12.8 x 87 cm)
Wheel-to-wheel base dimensions = 28.9"W x 21.0"D (73 x 53 cm)
Shipping Dimensions: 37.2" x 36.8" x 28.7" (94.5 x 93.5 x 73.0 cm)
Shipping Weight: 90 lbs (40.8 kg)


Kód produktu:
5 let - 60 měsíců
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