ERGOTRON StyleViewR Tablet Cart, SV10Light-Duty Medical Cart, vozík pro tablet a příslušen 22 979 Kč

ERGOTRON StyleViewR Tablet Cart, SV10Light-Duty Medical Cart, vozík pro tablet a příslušen

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ERGOTRON StyleView® Tablet Cart, SV10Light-Duty Medical Cart, vozík pro tablet a příslušenství

The nimble SV10 effortlessly moves to the point of need, using a versatile interface to accommodate almost any tablet. Its patented lift engine easily adjusts the platform and screen to exactly the right height for whatever task is at hand.

Height adjustable yet small, simple and lightweight
Fifteen inches (38 cm) of vertical travel for seated and standing use
Sturdy and safe metal construction
Smooth, easily cleanable surfaces
Integrated hand-brake secures platform height to provide an ultra-stable worksurface
Tilt the tablet to your preferred input position—work with screen angled vertically, horizontally or anywhere in between
Choose the level of security that is right for your tablet †
The worksurface provides a convenient platform for a keyboard
The t-slot channel interface on the cart’s column allows integration of accessories to customize a solution that’s right for your application

Part Number: SV10-1400-0
Description: StyleView Tablet Cart, SV10, non-powered (white and aluminum)
Includes worksurface, cable/brick storage compartment, storage hook, 3" (75 mm) casters (2 locking), tablet riser with tilting tablet mount assembly, scanner holder
† Choose the level of security that is right for your tablet. This cart ships with three options: Hard-mount your tablet case directly to the VESA mount at the top of the riser if case includes VESA hole pattern; or add the easel bracket to the VESA mount and place your tablet on its surface; add the top grip to the easel bracket to clamp the tablet for extra stability when moving the cart. VESA FDMI MIS-D, 100/75, C (hole pattern: 100 x 100 mm & 75 x 75 mm)
Tablet can be installed in either landscape or portrait mode
§ When installing tablet using easel bracket, tablet must fit within these dimensions: maximum outside width = 12.25" (31 cm); minimum outside height = 6.5" (16.5 cm); maximum outside height = 9.5" (24 cm); maximum outside thickness = 0.8" (2 cm)
* Weight Capacity: tablet ? 2.5 lbs (1.1 kg); cable management storage ? 2 lbs (1 kg); column ? 20 lbs (9.1 kg), including accessories added to t-slot channel interface and storage hook
‡ Minimum worksurface height = 33" (84 cm); maximum worksurface height = 48" (122 cm)
Tested to UL/EN/IEC specifications for enhanced patient safety
Worksurface Dimensions: 18" x 12.5" (45.7 x 31.8 cm)
Cable management storage area beneath worksurface for power brick and excess cable or power strip: 14.5" x 2.75" (36.8 x 7 cm)
Scanner holder included; attaches beneath worksurface on the left side only
Base Footprint Dimensions: 19" x 19" (48.3 x 48.3 cm)
Powder-coat paint finish on steel surfaces
Cart Weight: 33 lbs (15 kg)
Shipping Dimensions: 40" x 23.5" x 23.5" (102 x 60 x 60 cm)
Shipping Weight: 51 lbs (23 kg)


Kód produktu:
5 let - 60 měsíců
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