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Popis produktu:

ERGOTRON LEARNFIT™, ADJUSTABLE STANDING DESK, CLEAR ANODIZED, pracovní pojízdný stolek, k sezení i stání

With its higher minimum height, this LearnFit is optimized to adjust to the standing heights of students ages 9 through adult. Match it with the accessory Classroom Stool to accommodate occasional sitting.

Transform classrooms into active learning environments with on-demand height-adjustable standing desks. With the simple squeeze of a hand lever, kids can change the height of their desktops to their preferred level so they can work and collaborate in the way that is natural for them.

For Students

A stand up desk encourages healthy behavior that leads to physical and academic improvements for kids†
Better metabolic health leads to more alertness and engagement†
Promotes good posture and helps burn additional calories throughout the day†
Each student can instantly and intuitively personalize the desk to his or her preferred height
PrecisionHeight™ Technology lets students easily adjust the desk height for proper ergonomic head positioning, helping reduce neck strain from looking down at digital devices
Paired with a counter-height stool, students can choose when to sit or stand throughout the day
Includes student-friendly features: a hook to hang a backpack; cupholder, tablet slot and pencil tray integrated into the worksurface
For the Classroom

Greater student focus and engagement†
Casters easily roll LearnFit to reconfigure classrooms for small-group breakouts; quickly return to full classroom configuration when done
One size fits all: Height adjustment range is designed for students ages 9 through adult
For the School

Student desk height is easily changed by kids using the hand lever: No need for staff to make adjustments or reconfigure desk before, during or after school hours
Ships in compact box and assembles in less than 60 seconds (no tools required)
Strong, durable worksurface withstands abuse
Safe and stable: Designed to ANSI/BIFMA X5.5-2008 standards

Part Number: 24-481-003 (white/silver)
Description: LearnFit Sit-Stand Desk, Tall; also known as LearnFit Adjustable Standing Desk
Includes adjustable-height base, worksurface with integrated cupholder, tablet slot and pencil tray, backpack hook, four dual casters (two locking), hand-brake system
Ships in compact box and assembles in less than 60 seconds (no tools required)
Optional storage bin holds class supplies (not included with desk, order separately)
High-quality, smooth-rolling dual casters easily move desk across carpets, flooring and thresholds
Lockable front casters can hold unit in place
Super durable worksurface construction: MDF core with solid high-pressure laminate on top surface and melamine laminate on bottom surface. Worksurface edges are finished with molded polyurea band, which withstands the most challenging student use
LearnFit should be set at the standing height of each individual student. With a relatively consistent desk height within a classroom, sight lines of students are maintained. For seating, it is recommended that each LearnFit be paired with a counter-height stool, which will allow the desk to remain in the standing-height position during the class period
† Research Relating to Standing Desks in Classrooms

Health benefits – Standing more during day increases circulation, burns more calories, and helps maintain muscle tone and insulin effectiveness: Buckley et al, 2013 | Duvivier et al, 2013 | Benden et al, 2014
Classroom performance – Greater student focus and engagement is achieved with introduction of stand-biased desks: Benden et al, 2011
Academic performance – A positive correlation is shown between physical activity and test scores: Institute of Medicine, 2013 (further reading) | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, 2010
Minimum worksurface height = 34.6" (88 cm); maximum worksurface height = 50.8" (129 cm)
Worksurface Dimensions: 24" x 22" (61 x 56 cm)
Base Footprint Dimensions: 24" x 22" (61 x 56 cm)
Designed to ANSI/BIFMA X5.5-2008 standards
Complies with all international environmental regulations related to its design, manufacture and packaging
Product Weight: 34 lbs (15.5 kg)
Shipping Dimensions: 30" x 26" x 14" (75 x 66 x 35 cm)
Shipping Weight: 40 lbs (18 kg)
§ Warranty: Ten (10) years; warranty does not cover product abuse, modification and failure to adhere to product instructions, improper operations and/or misuse


Kód produktu:
5 let - 60 měsíců
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